In light of recent events across the UK and beyond we are currently focusing solely on our anti-racism work. ​​
Please visit 'Our Topics' if you are interested in working across our other topics from the Summer '25 term.
We’ve seen great results by providing services other than just workshops and talks. So, choose your topic/s and pair with a service or two. . . or three! If you're not sure what's going to be right for you, we're on hand to help, click to contact us!
The beauty of education is that no two days are the same and whilst this can be wonderful, it can also be incredibly challenging. As teachers you're often expected to teach topics or mediate situations outside your training and areas of expertise.

If you need someone on hand to give a little non judgemental insight, help or support when an incidents occurs, or you're strategising how best to deliver the curriculum (with regards to the topics we cover) we can be on hand.

At times all you need is an outside eye to look at your policies, initiatives or future plans. You might want more than the quick chat so, with remote consultancy we can advise and/or help implement new ideas so you can move forward with. confidence.
We can work to a schedule that suits you. And if you'd like your consultancy to be a little less remote, let us know and we'll look to accomodate you.

Mentoring can be used for students or teachers. Great for councils/action group to set up good practice, or to support processes already in place so that they are truly effective. We can strategise or help to implement any changes. We can help to build confidence, the options are endless!
It’s also great for those students displaying less than ideal behaviour due to wrestling with the topics we cover. Working with an adult who doesn't feel like an authority figure, but has experienced similar challenges can help with communication and strategies to enable success in spite of these struggles. It can take the edge for them and enable them to integrate and achieve more readily.
And finally, workshops have long formed the backbone of PSHE. We believe it's important for there to be a shared language and understanding between students and staff, workshops enable that to happen

We can deliver workshops, talks or keynotes to groups as small as three and as big as 300. Just let us know what you're looking for!