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In light of recent events across the UK and beyond we are currently focusing solely on our anti-racism work.  â€‹â€‹

Please visit 'Our Topics' if you are interested in working across our other topics from the Summer '25 term.

We know many people feel unsafe or a little helpless right now but, there is much we can do.

After a decade in the sector we know how to do this and can tailor what we do for your school to ensure the work is 

empowering and change making, not just awareness raising. We ensure it is affordable for your budget and timeframes are set by you. 

Transparent I Am Ally fist_edited_edited

After delivering workshops in UK schools since 2013, we know that, broadly, schools are not yet anti-racist spaces. Whilst the majority of teachers want every child to be educated in safety, where they feel seen, heard and understood, our culture remains one that wrestles racism.

Schools are a reflection of our society. So, if there's a problem that requires work to generate change 'out there', we will need to do focussed work in schools too. 


We hope that, by teaching allyship we empower and protect both white students and students of colour.  And, the beauty of allyship is that it can be applied to so many other areas. This work stands your students and staff in incredible stead throughout society.


Please see our 'How We Do It' page for details about our approach.​

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